Newborn portraits

9 11 2009

melt my heart!

I was thrilled to meet baby Ella.  I met her mom last year when she came to my studio for corporate head shots.  Months later, she contacted me to photograph her maternity session with Julia, the soon-to-be big sister! I had a great time with them. 🙂 I could tell that Julia was going to be an awesome big sis!  Click here to see a few images from her maternity session.

Jennifer is a beautiful, smart woman and her daughters are absolutely precious. I’m looking forward to taking their family portraits very soon!

Here’s sweet, 6 week old Ella…

I hope you enjoy this slideshow…
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Jennifer, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you a little better each time you’ve been to the studio. I appreciate the trust you’ve placed in me to document this incredible time in your lives. Your family is gorgeous. I’m thrilled that everyone is healthy and doing well.
