The Homas new family…

27 01 2009

Jay and Meghan welcomed sweet little Anna in December. A few weeks later they came over for her newborn portraits and oh my gosh, is she a little sweetie.

Meghan had THE MOST CHALLENGING pregnancy of anyone I’ve ever known. She handled it with grace and tenacity all while keeping a very positive attitude. As with most pregnant women, her maternal instincts took over immediately after learning of her pregnancy and she did everything possible to ensure her baby was well taken care of. She was challenged on so many occasions and by the time Anna was born, she and Jay had already won the Parents of the Year award. I admire their perseverance, their steadfastness, and their ability to keep their eye on the “prize”. And what a beautiful little prize she is.

I am so excited to showcase sweet Anna…

Jay’s grandmother made this blanket for Jay’s baby TEN years ago! How sweet is that? You can tell that Anna loves it.

Doesn’t she wear motherhood well…


Jay is such a cute daddy…


Check out these little tootsies wrapped in great grandma’s blankie…



Hot mama…

Jay and Meghan, you know how I feel about you. I am thankful that Anna is in your lives. She is one lucky little girl to have you both as parents. Keep on loving each other and your sweet little bundle cuteness.

Thanks for giving me this honor of documenting her first month!

More Home for the Holiday Family Portraits

26 01 2009

I’m starting to catch up on my blogging and am thrilled to finally post some of my favorite shots of the Demetreon family.

When Lisa called to get info I could tell this was going to be a FUN family to work with and photograph! And when they arrived to the studio, her family reaffirmed that.

Lisa and John have a great family and I’m excited to show them off.  There was a lot of love and laughter during their session and I feel that came through with their images.













Lisa and John, thanks for carving out time during your family holiday to come over; I know that can be a challenge. I hope your family had fun! It was great to meet ALL of you.

Thanks for trusting me to do this for you.

Home for the Holidays…

15 01 2009

with Steve and Mia and their ADORABLE girls.  

Steve and Mia came home from New Jersey to spend the holidays with their family.  I was thrilled that they wanted to get their family pictures taken as well as one year and three year old pictures for their girls.  I LOVE seeing them.

Their girls have such a sweet, classic and timeless look, check out a few of my faves from our fun time together.






Love this one of Steve and his girls…



Timeless, a pure timeless moment…

Steve and Mia, I love seeing you all. Thanks so much for adding me onto your holiday vacation list. I had such a great time with you and your girls.

xoxo and Elder Mugleston

8 01 2009

So a few months ago Emily called me from Utah.  She works for and they were in need of a new “face” for their company. They held a contest and it brought in hundreds of letters, including one from Drew Mugleston’s sister.  After deciding the winner, it was announced that Elder Mugleston would be the new “face” on

Emily then went website searching for a photographer in the Columbia area; I was happy to hear that she liked what she saw on mine.  She hired me to get the shots that she needed.

It was a pleasure working Elder Mugleston.  Each time he was here, he had his companion elders with him.  What a great group of guys.  Their demeanor, manners, humor…just FANTASTIC!    You boys can come back ANYTIME!

Here are just a few images from Drew’s photo session…



Now, while Elder Mugleston did some primping 😉  , Elder Greenwood stood in to help me test the lights!

Quite a good looking group, don’t you think?

Here’s a picture of the billboard in Utah….they will be completing his face soon 🙂

Emily, thank you for hiring me; I truly appreciate your business. It was great to work with both you and Elder Mugleston. If you are ever in Maryland, please look me up. I’d love to have you come by and visit!

Mrs. Mugleston, I’m sure you are well aware of this but I have to say it anyway.  You’ve done a marvelous job raising Drew and his sisters; big kudos to you and your late husband.  Drew represents the good in life.  As a photographer I have to say that he worked so well on the set, I’ll take 20 of him anytime!  As a mom, I’ll say  I can only hope that my girls grow up with the confidence, manners, love for people and intelligence that your son displayed each time he was here.  He spoke so highly of you and his sisters.  You have a beautiful family.  I’m honored to have met and worked with your son; I hope to one day do so again.

And to Elder Harmon, Elder Navarro, Elder Clayton, Elder Greenwood and Elder Borup you are welcome back anytime!  Honestly, you helped keep the set fun and real.  I know Elder Mugleston is glad that you all accompanied him.  Thanks for coming out.

I wish you a HAPPY, HEALTHY and FABULOUS 2009!

6 01 2009

I want to thank you for a wonderful 2008. Many of you have emailed me with the most incredible sentiments and I appreciate every word you’ve shared with me. I love working hard for you and serving you to the best of my ability. To be able to take pictures for people and document incredible moments of their lives is a dream for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for trusting me to do this for you. Many of you have referred me to people and I have yet to even meet YOU! It’s amazing that you feel comfortable passing along my information and we’ve not yet met. I do not take that for granted, I appreciate your faith in me (and I hope to meet you soon). 🙂

To the couples that have chosen PLP to photograph your wedding this coming year, we will have a blast! I’m looking forward to getting to know you better and I appreciate you allowing me into this incredible and intimate moment of your life!

To my clients that have become part of my photographic family this past year, I hope you know how much I have enjoyed working with you and producing the images that evoke the emotion that I’ve seen from you. I strive to exceed your expectations in every possible way.  Thank you so very much for your referrals…not to sound cliche’, but there is no greater compliment!

And to the people that I will meet this year, let’s rock and roll and have a great time producing the images that you’d like hanging on your walls.


To all of the amazing photographers that give of your time, your talent and knowledge to share with those of us who are continually hungry to learn, thank you. I’ve attended some AMAZING one day workshops and seminars, a fantastic fun-filled, information-packed week long school, have bought numerous dvd’s from a wealth of different, talented photographers and attended a wide array of webinars. I’m honored to be involved in a career that is as tight as the photographic field. I’ve learned from so many these past couple of years and I’d like to mention them and give them a personal thank you. Michael Redford…a PHENOMINAL business person and amazing photographer, Mike ColonBob DavisSandy PucMike Larson, Scott Kelby, Eddie Tapp, Mary Fisk-TaylorJamie HayesDenis ReggieAlison BynumJeff and Julia WoodsNathan and Amber Holritz, David JayCorey McNabbHanson FongEd Pierce – one of the BEST and most thorough interviewers as well as accomplished photographer, The MARS school in Cape May, NJ.  In addition to all of the wonderfully talented photographers who keep amazing blogs, thanks for continuing to inspire.

Happy Happy 2009.  LET’S ROCK!